I pledge my allegiance to the AI overlords

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Yo!  I'm Glen.  I work as a cloud consultant in my day job (mainly with GCP clients).  In my spare time I like to dabble in ML/AI and have been doing so for the last year or so, but not so much with GCP's ML/AI services like Vertex AI, etc, but more so from just my laptop doing TensorFlow stuff.


I'm looking to dedicate some time studying for the GCP Machine Learning cert for Q1 of next year.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Yeah, Glen!! I appreciate this goal not only because you're the first (thank you 🥳) but also because that's the same goal need to set. Thank you for giving a great example to kick us off!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Go Glen!

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

I think an update on my journey is long overdue.  

I did not get my ML Engineer cert as I had hoped, mainly because of how much stuff there is to learn and know that I just don't feel I should be trying to cram that much knowledge for the sake of passing an exam.


I have, however, been playing with some ML computer vision stuff and I created this: FindingWaldo.app (hosted on GCP of course) as a milestone tracker (?) in my ML journey.

From a certification POV, I did just renew my Prof Cloud Arch and I passed the Prof Cloud DB Engineer cert (beta). 


EDIT: and trust me, I do want to obtain my ML Eng cert -- it's the only GCP cert left that I don't have 😄

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

I did it!  I got my ML Engineer cert!  2 years after my initial pledge, I finally wrote the exam yesterday and passed! 🎆

Congrats Glen!! 🎉

Congrats @glen_yu