Using BigQueryTemplate for streaming ongoing inserts

From a java application (spring) i need to stream (insert) ongoing data (1TB per day).

Can i use for this BigQueryTemplate?

Or for streaming i must use Storage Write Api?


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Each API offers advantages under different scenarios:

  • JsonStreamWriter: Ideal for fine-tuning performance with asynchronous capabilities and automated schema updates.
  • BigQueryWriteClient: More straightforward for simpler streaming workflows and manual asynchronous control.

Since your primary goal is optimization, the JsonStreamWriter might be a better fit due to its asynchronous design.

AppendRowsRequest Reuse Unfortunately, you cannot reuse the object. Each request encapsulates a unique batch of data. While there's some overhead in constructing these requests, it's usually less significant than network and serialization factors. Focus on optimizing batch size for better performance.

BigQueryWriteClient with Multiple Tables Yes! It's perfectly fine to reuse the BigQueryWriteClient across multiple tables in parallel. The key is to manage separate write streams for each table to ensure data integrity.

Transforming Rows with ProtoData The .map(row -> AppendRowsRequest.ProtoData.newBuilder()...) section converts rows into Google's Protobuf format. This is essential for BigQuery's efficient data transfer. However, since your source data is already in JSON, using JsonStreamWriter for direct JSON ingestion would streamline the process.

JSON Input and JsonStreamWriter To simplify your process, I highly recommend using JsonStreamWriter directly with your JSON data. It eliminates the Protobuf conversion step, simplifying your code.

API Methods and Versions Please double-check your google-cloud-bigquerystorage library version for compatibility. Method availability can vary across versions.

Additional Tips

  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and retries for resilience.
  • Monitoring: Establish logging and metrics for visibility into your streaming operations.
  • Security: Always prioritize data security and compliance best practices.

View solution in original post


Based on the volume and requirements you described, the BigQuery Storage Write API is highly recommended. This tool is specifically engineered for high-volume, low-latency streaming, ensuring efficient and cost-effective data management.

Key Benefits:

  • High Throughput: Seamlessly manages large-scale data transfers.
  • Low Latency: Ensures data is quickly available for querying.
  • Cost-Effective: Designed to minimize costs at large scales.

The BigQueryTemplate might not meet your needs effectively due to its limitations with high-throughput streaming.

Implementation Tips:

  • Batch Processing: Group data into batches or micro-batches to optimize throughput and control costs.
  • Data Serialization with Avro: Utilizes a compact format that enhances schema management—critical for handling large datasets. Implementing Avro serialization involves encoding your data structures into a byte format that BigQuery can process efficiently.
  • Schema Management: Regular updates and compatibility checks with your BigQuery schema are essential for maintaining data integrity.
  • Cost Management: Keep a close watch on your expenses; consider fixed pricing plans or dedicated query slots as economical solutions.
  • Integration Options: Utilize Apache Beam or Spring Cloud Data Flow to enhance your data processing workflows, providing flexibility and scalability for complex scenarios.


import java.util.List;

public class BigQueryStreamExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try (BigQueryWriteClient writeClient = BigQueryWriteClient.create()) {
            String projectId = "your-project-id";
            String datasetName = "your-dataset-name";
            String tableName = "your-table-name";
            TableName parentTable = TableName.of(projectId, datasetName, tableName);

            List<ByteString> rows = prepareDataRows(); // Serialize data, ideally using Avro

            AppendRowsRequest request = AppendRowsRequest.newBuilder()
                    .map(row -> AppendRowsRequest.ProtoData.newBuilder().setRows(row).build())


    private static List<ByteString> prepareDataRows() {
        // Placeholder for data serialization logic
        return null;

Thank you for detailed reply, some follow up questions:

you are using different api then I assumed,

I was thinking about;


as it allows , as I  understand, asynchronous execution and other tweaks. 

can you elaborate which one is better?

Also from your code, 
should I crate


for each mcro-batch(row)? or I can reuse it? 
If I can't reuse, is the build heavy operation?

In case I have multiple tables can I reuse  




in parallel? 

Wha is the reason for:


map(row -> AppendRowsRequest.ProtoData.newBuilder().setRows(row).build())


Why I need ProtoBuf?

FYI:  my source comes in json format

Also there is no method addAllRows in the builder (3.4.0)
and  writeClient.appendRowsCallable().call() - not accepting AppendRowRequest

Each API offers advantages under different scenarios:

  • JsonStreamWriter: Ideal for fine-tuning performance with asynchronous capabilities and automated schema updates.
  • BigQueryWriteClient: More straightforward for simpler streaming workflows and manual asynchronous control.

Since your primary goal is optimization, the JsonStreamWriter might be a better fit due to its asynchronous design.

AppendRowsRequest Reuse Unfortunately, you cannot reuse the object. Each request encapsulates a unique batch of data. While there's some overhead in constructing these requests, it's usually less significant than network and serialization factors. Focus on optimizing batch size for better performance.

BigQueryWriteClient with Multiple Tables Yes! It's perfectly fine to reuse the BigQueryWriteClient across multiple tables in parallel. The key is to manage separate write streams for each table to ensure data integrity.

Transforming Rows with ProtoData The .map(row -> AppendRowsRequest.ProtoData.newBuilder()...) section converts rows into Google's Protobuf format. This is essential for BigQuery's efficient data transfer. However, since your source data is already in JSON, using JsonStreamWriter for direct JSON ingestion would streamline the process.

JSON Input and JsonStreamWriter To simplify your process, I highly recommend using JsonStreamWriter directly with your JSON data. It eliminates the Protobuf conversion step, simplifying your code.

API Methods and Versions Please double-check your google-cloud-bigquerystorage library version for compatibility. Method availability can vary across versions.

Additional Tips

  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and retries for resilience.
  • Monitoring: Establish logging and metrics for visibility into your streaming operations.
  • Security: Always prioritize data security and compliance best practices.

Can you please post the maven dependency compatible with the above code you posted?


To work with BigQuery, specifically utilizing essential components like JsonStreamWriter or BigQueryWriteClient, you'll need to integrate Google's google-cloud-bigquerystorage library into your Maven project. Let's see how to configure your pom.xml file:


        <version>1.47.0</version> </dependency> 

        <version>2.8.0</version> </dependency> 

Points to Note:

  • Version Compatibility: Double-check that the versions of google-cloud-bigquerystorage and other dependencies play nicely together. Mismatches can cause problems during execution.
  • Updates: Stay on top of the latest library versions for access to new features and enhancements. Find these on the Maven Central Repository or the official Google Cloud Java Client for Google BigQuery Storage GitHub page (
  • Additional Libraries: Your application might require extra dependencies (e.g., Google's authentication libraries) for seamless operational handling.

Still, class doesn't have addAllRows
I also don't see in javadocs
Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Hi @Fadi_dr ,

To clarify the process and address the confusion around the addAllRows functionality.

Key Concepts:

  • Protobuf and Data Representation: Data in the BigQuery Storage API must be structured using Protocol Buffers (protobufs). Each row should conform to a protobuf message definition that you've created.
  • Data Batching: Group the protobuf representations of your rows into batches. This approach optimizes data transmission and management.
  • AppendRowsRequest: Encapsulate these batches within AppendRowsRequest objects.
  • BigQueryWriteClient: Use the BigQueryWriteClient to send these AppendRowsRequest objects to the BigQuery Storage API.

Illustrative Code Example:

// ... (Import statements) 
// Assuming you have a protobuf definition called 'MyRow' 
List<MyRow> rows = ...; // Populate with your data 

// Create a BigQueryWriteClient 
BigQueryWriteClient client = BigQueryWriteClient.create(); 

// Specify your BigQuery table details 
WriteStream stream = WriteStream.newBuilder() 

AppendRowsRequest.Builder requestBuilder = AppendRowsRequest.newBuilder().setWriteStream(stream); 

// Add rows to the request (adjust batching as needed)
// **Comment: Control batch size here for optimization**
for (MyRow row : rows) { 

// Send the request 

Important Notes:

  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms (try-catch blocks, etc.) to manage potential issues during data transmission.
  • Schema Management: Ensure your protobuf schema aligns perfectly with your BigQuery table schema to prevent mismatches and errors.
  • Alternative Methods: For larger datasets or continuous data flows, consider exploring BigQuery's streaming insert capabilities, which can be found at Google's BigQuery streaming data documentation.

still there is no method addProtoRows


Not very important because i will go with with  JsonStreamWriter