Error updating VM with a new MIG

I created an Instance Template. Next, I created an Instance Group and selected the Instance Template I created.
And then, I updated the VM to reflect the template but the MIG never turns on healthy.

When I try to update the Instance Group with an old Instance Template it works but not with new Instance Templates.

I'm facing this issue since 16th April, I even tried to build image and Instance Template as the last one that worked for me but still not working. Actually, I don't get any errors, I get a SUCCESS message after executing this command:


gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-instances MY_MIG_NAME \
--instances MY_VM_NAME \
--minimal-action replace \
--zone europe-west2-c


Is anyone else facing this issue?


Hi @Chema,

If you are getting a SUCCESS message after running the update command and the MIG is having an issue in turning healthy might be because of an incompatibility between your new Instance Template and your Managed Instance Group (MIG) configuration.

1 Check VM Logs:
Look for any errors or warnings that might indicate why the VM is failing to become healthy after a successful update.

2. Test your template in a new instance outside your MIG
With this we can isolate is the template itself is functional

3. Focus on Recent Changes:
Since the issue started on April 16th, focus on changes made to the template around that date. This will help narrow down the potential culprit.

Remember, you can also reach out to Google Cloud Support for further assistance.