AI + Learning Machine

Mates, Hello. 

I'm Searching about how can i create a AI machine, using the property language of AI, like a Google Bard or the properly Vertex, for example. At the Google Cloud, how can i do this? I Searching e studying, but, maybe i can go more fast sharing and changing experiences. 

thank you so much.


Fabricio =D


Google has some bootcamp events. These events may help.

Nice. Thanks @victortong . I like it

Creating an AI machine like Google's BARD or Vertex AI is a complex and resource-intensive endeavor that typically requires a team of experts in machine learning, natural language processing, and deep learning. However, I can provide you with a high-level overview of the steps involved in building your own AI model, and using Google Cloud can be a part of that process.

  1. Understand the Basics of AI and Machine Learning: Before you start, you should have a solid understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning. You can start with online courses, books, and tutorials.

  2. Choose a Domain or Problem: Decide what domain or problem you want your AI model to address. This could be anything from text analysis to image recognition or predictive modeling.

  3. Data Collection and Preparation: Gather a substantial amount of data relevant to your chosen problem. Data quality is crucial. Clean, preprocess, and format the data for training.

  4. Choose a Framework and Tools: You can use machine learning libraries and tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn to build and train your model. Google Cloud provides services like AI Platform and BigQuery to help with this.

  5. Select a Model Architecture: Choose or design a machine learning model architecture suitable for your problem. You might use existing architectures or create a custom one.

  6. Training the Model: Use your data to train the model on powerful hardware like Google Cloud's AI Platform. This may require significant computational resources and time.

  7. Evaluation and Optimization: Continuously evaluate your model's performance and fine-tune it. Use metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to assess its performance.

  8. Deployment: Once your model is trained and performs well, you can deploy it to serve predictions or interact with users. Google Cloud provides services like Vertex AI for model deployment and serving.

  9. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor the deployed model's performance, and retrain it with new data as necessary. Google Cloud's monitoring and logging tools can help with this.

  10. Scaling: If your model sees increased usage, you can scale your infrastructure on Google Cloud to handle the load.

  11. Security and Compliance: Implement security best practices and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

  12. Documentation and Testing: Document your work and ensure your AI system is thoroughly tested.

  13. Community and Collaboration: Engage with the AI and machine learning community, participate in forums, and collaborate with experts to gain insights and share experiences.

Google Cloud can be a valuable resource for many of these steps, offering cloud-based solutions for data storage, model training, and deployment. Consider taking online courses and seeking out AI communities and forums to learn from others' experiences and stay updated on the latest developments in the field.

Hello Paola, thank you for your time. 

Good. Your replly for sure help me. I learning to just use the google cloud solution for the development into vm's in GC (google cloud) . My ideia is use the services avaialable at the GC to do tests and etc. I'm using now, but i don't unterstand how can i use all things (not all, but to much) services to create a solution, but is a solution for me, just to learn, study and "to play". 

Thank you for your collaboration. Help me to much. thank you.

I found this codelab to be pretty helpful as a way to get started:

I think it's awesome that you're diving into the world of AI and machine learning. Indeed, building your own AI machine is an exciting journey. Google Cloud's offerings, like Vertex, can be fantastic tools for this.I totally get what you mean about sharing experiences to learn faster. Sometimes, it's the best way to pick up tips and tricks.By the way, I recently stumbled upon some intriguing info about AI tools for business, and I'm eager to give them a try once they're launched. The possibilities with AI are endless, and I'm excited to see where it takes us.