Dialogflow - Search and Conversation data store - updates on website url



This is regarding Search and Conversation, chat with Dialogflow. I am using a Website URL as a data store. 

Does the data store automatically update it's index when there are changes and updates pushed on the website? If not, how do you handle using a website URL as a datastore when the site is constantly changing weekly?


Hi, at the moment it need to be trigger manually: https://cloud.google.com/generative-ai-app-builder/docs/recrawl-websites

Are you sure? When advanced website indexing is used, the docs say "We refresh the index of your actively used data stores every few weeks.". 

mmm, but that is not too often, and it only works for Advanced NLU. 

The website URL data store doesn't automatically update its index. You'll need to implement a scheduled job or webhook to regularly fetch and update data from the website to keep your Dialogflow agent's datastore current