Experiment not collecting data

Hi, we've been trying to use the experiments feature for a long time now but to no avail. We've set up everything according to documentation: Environments, versions, traffic allocation... Everything seems to work except for the data collection, we can see the agent diverting traffic from the  control version to the non-control one but the experiment remains in the collecting data stage and doesn't show any kind of results no matter for how long we keep it going or how many interactions we have with it (both from the test agent, or through the API). We haven't been able to find any other information regarding the experiments feature besides the documentation, so any help would be greatly appreciated!






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Hi @daniel_villegas,

Welcome back to Google Cloud Support.

Here are some possible resolutions you may perform to check the issue:

  • Check that the data is being sent to the right endpoint (SDK or API code matches the endpoint for the experiment you want to track.)

  • Check if your project ID and experiment ID are correctly set up in your SDK or API code. 

  • Check if your app is properly authenticated to send data to Dialogflow. 

  • Verify that you have given an allotted enough time to experiment to collect data.

  • Verify that your training phrases and intents are set up correctly.
    - If your agent is not correctly identifying user input, it may not be able to properly attribute interactions to the correct experiment variant.

Here are some references that may help you.


Thanks for your answer @Aris_O Aris. We're currently checking the points you raised and have some further questions specifically about the endpoints used for experiments. What we've been doing so far is use the dialogflowcx .net nugget and the SessionClient to send messages to the bot  using this structure: projects/<Project ID>/locations/<Location ID>/agents/<Agent ID>/environments/<Environment ID>/sessions/<Session ID>

Do we need to target a different endpoint to trigger the data collection on the experiment? as far as we can see in the CX documentation the experiment mentions only how to set them up on the console but we haven't been able to find how to properly configure a connection to a specific experiment.

Thanks in advance for all your help! 

Hi @Aris_O , any chance you could clarify the part of the experiment endpoint?

Thank you!