Exploring General-AI-Like Functionality in Dialogflow and Google Cloud

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm new to this forum and have recently been exploring Dialogflow as a potential solution for my research on general-AI-like dialogue bots. I have set up an agent and connected it to Telegram via a webhook using repl.it and OpenAI's GPT-3 davinci model.

However, I was curious if Google Cloud offers any similar functionality to GPT-3. I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance on this matter.

Thank you and best regards, Tom

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You might perhaps referring to Google's Lambda: https://blog.google/technology/ai/lamda/ . But at the moment I believe there is no documentation of integrating this to dialogflow and only accessible on mobile devices only. 

In a Blog post just posted today (at the time of writing) that is titled:

An important next step on our AI journey

This comes directly from the CEO of Google.   I would suggest that we all tune in to this blog and related announcements.  I think your question is a smidge early and what we have here is a "breaking news" story.

Thank you for both of your responses. I will take a closer look at Lambda, as I was previously unfamiliar with it, and I will definitely check out Sundar's blog post.

I appreciate your assistance.

Best regards,