Google Cloud Translate API - store into database


I'm developing a vocabulary learning app and would like to translate the vocabulary using the Google Translate API. The user can translate and change his vocabulary and should then be able to save it for himself. Is it allowed to save the translation for this user in the database?

Thank you very much in advance for your answer.


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Hi Phil,

If you are trying to store translation to  your own database you can store by a service with Translate API and if you need to store these any other way please elaborate the requirement on which type of database you need to store them?


thank you for your answer.
I currently store the translations for each user in my own database (MongoDB Atlas). However, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to store it in my own database, or if I have to re-translate the word every time the user wants to learn the word.

Hey @ppphiiil

I found your post while searching for answers on a similar inquiry.

Adding it here as well just in case. 

but ii need them