Status URL for google PaLM

In the chatgpt documentation they have provided the status url like this ( in the GCP documentation the have not provided the status URL, how to get the status for Google PaLM.

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Hi @deepakfireyo, is the information you're looking forward on this Google Cloud Product Health dashboard?

I want a status URL for the text-bison@001 model, like if that particular model is up or down, that particular  url which should be in json format like chat gpt has the status url if you click on that url we will get a json format text 



 and in postman api we should get the 200 response.

PaLM2 is a family of language models which include below some models. So you can check status of any of these model by making API call through Vertex AI studio or curl command (but you need access to project)


Curl command to check status

Hi Vishal, 

I want a status URL for the text-bison@001 model, like if that particular model is up or down, that particular  url which should be in json format like chat gpt has the status url if you click on that url we will get a json format text Screenshot 2024-02-08 193041.png and in postman api we should get the 200 response.

I believe there is no direct URL to check. You need to make api call to particular model.