Text-to-Speech Studio Voice Pricing Change?

I'm confused by what seems to be a sudden change to the Studio voice pricing.

In December, I used the Studio voices, but on the Billing Report page it came up as "Count of characters for using wavenet voices." I went over the free limit for the month and ended up paying a small charge. The charge matched the pricing for the Studio voices (¥1,400 for over "1,750,000 count"), so I just assumed that Google was lumping the voices all together on the backend page.

In January and February, the same thing occurred. I used the Studio voices, but on the Billing Report page it was labeled as "Count of characters for using wavenet voices." I didn't go over the free usage (only about "160,000 count" for each month), so I didn't end up paying anything.

However, this month when I used the all of the different types of voices (including Journey, News, and Studio), it came up as "Count of characters for using Studio voices, " "Count of characters for using wavenet voices," and "Count of characters for using standard voices."

In addition, I'm already being charged for using only "3,545 count" of Studio voices. Isn't that within the free usage limit for the month?

Can anyone explain what's going on? Did the free usage for Studio voices disappear when they became GA at the end of February? If so, when will the pricing page be updated?

Thank you in advance.

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It seems like you've carefully examined your billing reports, which is a good step. Double-checking these details can help you identify any discrepancies and understand exactly what you're being charged for.

It's best to reach out to Google Cloud support directly. They can provide personalized assistance and clarify any confusion you might have regarding the billing for Studio voices.

the same thing happen to me. google just stop studio voice as free tier. they are now completely non free service.

however up until today, in free tier page they still put 100k bytes free for studio for each month.

this is totally not fair. they still say 100k are free for each month yet they say, they just change it. and didnt update this information yet. that's crazy.