Vertex Notebook Workbench Jupyterlab API

By any chance, is there an API that allows me to interact with what essentially the Jupyterlab notebook UI? For example, I'm looking into the possibility if I can upload a file (eg .py files) into the Jupyterlab notebook using API. As of now, I'm only able to create the workbench instance using Node API

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Hi @fikrisaman,

Welcome and thank you for reaching out to our community.

We appreciate your interest in learning more about Jupyterlab notebooks, consider checking out these links.

Hope this helps.

I've looked into your links. But none of them have what I'm seeking for. Basically, I'm looking a way to programmatically upload my files to Jupyterlab Notebook that is in my Vertex AI User-managed Workbench. For now, my only workaround is to mount a GCS bucket with gcsfuse in the Jupyterlab Notebook's terminal. Then I can use @Google-cloud/storage library to upload my file. Is there really no direct API to do it instead?

use drag and drop 
it works i used it 

Yes, I know you can drag and drop files to your Jupyterlab Notebook. But what I was asking instead if there's any possibility to do it programmatically through API without even having to open up or interact with Jupyterlab Notebook GUI.

Based on the last few months of being neck deep in Vertec Workbench it doesn't appear so. Once an object is in the workbench space it is tightly provisioned to only do what Vertex provides. Once they enable Vertex AI Workbench for managed notebooks in Cloud Code the environment will be far less tedious.