Running Looker completely disconnected from the Internet

We are investigating using Looker, but require it run in an environment completely isolated from the internet. I see that the installation instructions for “customer-hosted deployment” say “if you’re going to run Looker on a network that does not connect to the Internet, you may need to set up a proxy server to communicate with Looker’s license server”.

Since connecting to a proxy server in this way would, in fact, be “connecting to the internet”, we refuse to do this. Does anyone know (or use) some alternative for licensing that can be employed (getting a license file, for example) to run in legitimately isolated sites?

Has anyone seen other issues running isolated (or isolated except for a proxy server hole)?

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We do something called an “offline license” very rarely, for situations like this. It allows you to run looker sans internet, in the deepest, darkest bunker you’d like. If you reach out for a trial/PoC, our team can work with you to suss out the details of how it works.