Trying to start looker, failing due to 'no space left on device'. How can I free up space? details inside thread

Using putty to start looker: ./looker start

I can usually do this no problem, occasionally I get this disk space error and I will have to clear out some log files. There are currently no log files in my log directory and my instance usage is still at 84%, causing looker to fail to start.

What are some other issues that could be causing this? I’ve made no major changes to my instance recently.

UPDATE: I noticed within /home/looker/looker there are many more ‘models-user-x’ (i.e. models-user-31, models-user-88).
What are these? we have ~ 40 active users, but there are only 15 of these models-user-x folders in /home/looker/looker

FINAL UPDATE/SOLUTION: For anyone with a similar issue, I resolved the overall issue here

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Local directories of anyone who has ever been in dev mode of all projects.

I would also recommend reading this article. The introduction may describe your situation: