AWS TCP Elastic Load Balancer and Enabling Proxy Protocol Support

Not applicable

We are setting up a private cloud instance of apigee and are using a Elastic Load Balancer configured to do TCP load balancing of our API traffic with SSL termination being done at the RMP. We have found that when we do a tcp dump of the traffic on the RMP we see the IP address of the ELB instead of the originating request. We have a requirement from our risk management team to provide the originating request.

It would seem configuring the ELB to add proxy protocol support should provide this originating IP as needed, but once we follow the directions as indicated at the below link we are not able to make API calls to that particular virtual host anymore. Has anyone gotten Apigee to work with proxy protocol enabled for an ELB?

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Not applicable

this question is not really related to Edge but to AWS ELB configuration. Take a look at the following AWS documentation, it may help achieve what you are looking for:

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aws elb create-load-balancer-policy --load-balancer-name load-balancer-name --policy-name ProxyProtocol-policy-name --policy-type-name ProxyProtocolPolicyType --policy-attributes AttributeName=ProxyProtocol,AttributeValue=true

aws elb set-load-balancer-policies-for-backend-server --load-balancer-name load-balancer-name --instance-port 443 --policy-names ProxyProtocol-policy-name

aws elb describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-names "load-balancer-name"

@bryanpfremmer were you able to get this working? Even though the loadbalancer supports enabling proxy protocol policy, does Apigee officially support proxyprotocol on the nginx/router listener? Didn't find this enabled on the router configs.