Access Apigee Edge UI in AWS Instances of RHEL from system

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Hi , We have AWS instances with public/private IP. After the complete installation and onboarding of organization is complete. How do I access the Edge UI from my system

I can't access private IP from my system.

Is there any way to achieve this.

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@mohit.baveja ,

Private IP is accessible only inside VPC of Amazon cloud. If you would like access from your system, You need to use public ip with default edge UI port 9000 to access edge UI.

Thanks Anil !! But with publicip and port 9000, it is still not able to establish connection. But all the management servers calls to fetch org and environment is working fine.Any idea on how to pop the edge UI from my system.


@mohit.baveja , @aaricia veeta , Make sure port 9000 is opened to your machine ip or in general to internet. Create a security group that will allow 9000 port in AWS & add it to the machine where Edge UI is running in AWS. Hope it helps.

i am having the same issue. Please guide