Alerts Limmit

Is there any way to bypass the limit of 20 alerts per organization? for example, use an external tool to consult the health of the APIs and generate an alert. Is there any best practice?

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Hi Lucas, yes you are right that Apigee alerts provide limited functionality.

Ideally, for monitoring, you should use external tools for logging and analysis of logs, which further will generate alerts.

With some powerful monitoring tools like AppDynamics, you can perform both proactive and reactive monitoring. You can do health check calls from AppDymanics to Apigee. You can log the required API calls information to any log server e.g. Loggly, and further you can process those logs in AppDymanics to do the reactive monitoring as per your requirement and generate alerts.

I hope this would help you to think in the broader direction for setting up Monitoring alerts.