Apigee Advance labs - Security

Not applicable


I will really appreciate if you can point me to the Apigee Advance labs or the recording of the same. These labs were covered during "Virtual API Jam Security" session.

Any inputs will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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I'm guessing there is a more recent webcast somewhere, but this is all I could find as of now:


It would help if you could provide more details about the api jam session that you attended. When was it conducted? And who from Apigee led the api jam?

Hi Cladius,

If you refer to the bottom section of this link (https://pages.apigee.com/virtual-api-jam-master-register.html) ,you will see "Looking for more advance sessions to dive deeper in Apigee Edge? Join us for the Virtual API Jam - Security"

Was wondering if we have advance labs available. I am referring to the basic labs which can be accessed at : https://github.com/apigee/apijam/tree/master/Labs/Core

Aha. I found some sessions here:

https://github.com/apigee/apijam/tree/master/Labs/Appendix But not sure if that helps.