Apigee Back up and REstore-Best practice ?


Would like to know the Best practices for same based on your experience for Apigee On Premise 4.19.06 (I believe it should be same for any on premise version).

Listing few of comments I am trying to answer after reviewing the Apigee Backup and restore docs. Let us know if you have any comments to be considered to add or update..

A. Back up for Apigee Component like Cassandra, Zookeeper, Open LDAP ,PostgreSQL (etc) is planned based on which factor/periods. like Each week/Month

Example : Let us know if this is correct.

1. Cassandra : Weekly backups

2. Zookeeper : Monthly

3. Open LDAP : Monthly

4. PostgreSQL- Monthly based on our server capacity and retention period of analytics data

Any other factors or let us know, if any other component based on any factor/period ?

B. Additional Backups of all components

1. One day before Apigee version migration including all Data Components along with other Apigee Components

C. What are the Storage requirements need to be taken care before backups

1. NAS storage/equivalent type & set up internal storage bucket where all data backups of data components are continuously stored

D. VM Data store for snap shot : based on Infra requirements

Any other points to be considered while analyzing the Back up and Restore strategies ? let us know

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