Apigee CZ/ZP installation failing with Automation

Apigee Edge installation for Cassandra is failing using Ansible Automation.

The Instance node is not able to found the Destination directory /tmp/apigee.

fatal: [IP]: FAILED! => {

"changed": true,

"failed": true,

"invocation": {

"module_args": {

"attributes": null,

"backup": false,

"content": null,

"delimiter": null,

"dest": "/tmp/apigee/silent-install.conf",

"directory_mode": null,

"follow": true,

"force": true,

"group": "apigee",

"mode": 429,

"original_basename": "silent-install.conf.j2",

"owner": "apigee",

msg: "Destination directory /tmp/apigee does not exist"

0 5 312

@nathalylozano does the /tmp/apigee directory have the correct permission and owned by apigee user ?

Not applicable

HI @nathalylozano,

It is failing in the cp file (jinja template) task of your playbook and it seems that the /tmp/apigee does not exist. Please be sure to create the folder before writing the file into the node or changing the dest folder to only /tmp. These steps have to be done before the installation, is not an installation issue.

Not applicable

@nathalylozano - did you manage to proceed?

example below:

    - name: Create a config directory to install from
        path: "{{ apigee_config_dir }}"
        state: directory
        mode: 0755
      register: created_config_dir

    - name: Copy over License
        src: "{{ assets_dir }}{{ apigee_license }}"
        dest: "{{ apigee_config_dir }}{{ apigee_license }}"
        mode: 0755
      when: created_config_dir|success
      become: yes

    - name: Copy over AIO template
        src: "{{ assets_dir }}{{ edge_install_config }}"
        dest: "{{ apigee_config_dir }}{{ edge_install_config }}"
        mode: 0755
      when: created_config_dir|success
      become: yes

The bootstrap AMI was not working correctly. It is very unstable. I have to re-run the the bootstrap configuration every time in order to fix this issue

The Apigee Configuration directory is only created in the bootstrap role. Since the suggestion is to use /tmp , due to permissions for the apigee system user, if the server is rebooted or the /tmp directory cleaned, then the directory and all content is gone.

Look at changing the directory to a common directory for the installation and make sure the permissions are allowed for the installation user and the apigee user accounts.