Apigee Health monitoring, alerting , service level performance

Not applicable

1)APigee Health monitoring - i know we have APigee test beta verison is this available as beta or customer can buy the same ?

2)Alerting from APigee like server down load more,fault tolerance ?

3)Service level Performance for API ?

The above needed for API hosted in Apigee Saas.

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Hi @Binaya Kumar lenka Apigee Test is not licensed separately. Can you please elaborate your questions 2 & 3?

Not applicable

we need an email alert in case of any issue like proxy is not responding ,when the load is peak kind of EMAS alert or hwak alert or splunk alert kind of things.

@Binaya Kumar lenka , Please use comments for discussion. Answers are strictly for answers.

Hi @Binaya Kumar lenka Apigee Test is not licensed separately.

In Apigee Test (Beta) you can configure Probes to check if your APIs are meeting the SLA or not? You can configure failure and latency based alerts, set different notification options (Email, Slack, HipChat or Pager Duty).

Probes automatically execute Test Cases at specified intervals, notify you on failures or poor API performance, capture API call details, and graph analytics on API performance and call success rates. You can configure different success/failure and performance conditions that trigger alert notifications. For example, you may want to know if a Test Case fails 3 times in a row, or if API proxy performance consistently exceeds a certain threshold etc.

Creating and configuring Probes & Test cases is fairly straightforward, and the user interface guides you through the process.