Apigee Istio 1.0.5 gives 500 error on Provision Cmd

Hi guys, I am using Apigee-Istio Adapter 1.0.5 in a CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) on GCP Compute Engine VM.

apigee-istio version 1.0.5 2019-01-07T20:43:49Z [248090f]
apigee-istio provision -f -o org-eval -e test -u e@mail.com -p pass > samples/apigee/handler.yaml
WARNING: Apigee may not be provisioned properly.
Unable to verify proxy endpoint(s). Errors:
  GET https://org-eval-test.apigee.net/istio-auth/certs: 500 

The handler.yaml is getting populated with keys,

# Istio handler configuration for Apigee adapter in Mixer
# generated by apigee-istio provision on 2019-03-02 04:25:48
# WARNING: verification of provision failed. May not be valid.
apiVersion: config.istio.io/v1alpha2
kind: apigee
  name: apigee-handler
  namespace: istio-system
  apigee_base: https://istioservices.apigee.net/edgemicro
  customer_base: https://org-eval-test.apigee.net/istio-auth
  org_name: org-eval
  env_name: test
  key: cee34b82ddea310dc685a8bf7d6566d199c14ceccb095874f50ea40cf736f3e2
  secret: d55d7a6bc6f703a2f79c4eff7bde1e29e5354858f7ef7cc24db12d29c5c06125

But the rules.yaml is not being applied.

I tried this on different CentOS machine(Idontknow where it was hosted) and it worked there.

Is this related to GCP VM instance? Do I need to add any Firewall rules?

Currently, I have a Firewall Rule which allows all ports/protocols on Ingress.

@theganyo @scott@ganyo.com @srinandans @Cladius Fernando

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