Apigee Weekly (shareable nuggets and news): Digital denial | Open Banking APIx | Transavia

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Nuggets and news to share.

Market watch

Sixty-two percent of IT decision makers say their organizations are in denial about the need to transform digitally—and a majority worry that they have missed the digital transformation boat. Read a summary or download the full report.

Product “did you know?”

Last week we unveiled Apigee Open Banking APIx, which accelerates the process of delivering open banking by providing secure, ready-to-use, PSD2-compliant APIs. A banking-specific dev portal, preconfigured proxies for banking APIs, an integrated OAuth security framework, and more. Check it out.

Digital success stories

Transavia’s Vincent Thamm: “If we are going to connect new partners, we usually have a 12-week lead time. Now we have the Apigee platform ... and we had recently a developer signed up and going live in 10 days and even making over €30,000E in two weeks. That's an amazing difference." Watch the interview.

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