Apigee X with PSC return 502 only on proxies with "no target" and only for success (200 HTTP)

Hi all!

I'm having an issue with an apigee proxy deployed on apigee x. I exposed apigee x using the PSC strategy[1] and it's working for everything except endpoints on proxies that don't have backend services when response is 200.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Deploy apigee X

2. Expose apigee X using PSC with ELB

3. Deploy an apigee proxy with no target backend and a baisc AM policy to set any payload, dosn't matter if it's jason, plain text, etc.

4. Start a debug session

5. Try to consume the endpoint, you will get 502 Server Error but in the debug session you'll see a 200 OK.

6. Deploy a compute engine in teh same network apigee x is deployed and try to consume the endpoint. You'll get a 200.

If you add a RF policy, you will see the correct response from the RF policy. Only successfull responses return the 502 error and only if you consume the endpoint using the ELB.

I belive i might missed some configuration for the NEG or the ELB, since is there where the comunication fails, and only for no targ endpoints. If you have any endpoint in the same proxy, but with a target endpoint, it will respond normally.



[1] https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/system-administration/psc-overview

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Hi Oscar, 

Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, this is known issue on our end, and we are debugging it closely to resolve them ASAP. In the meanwhile, as a workaround - can you please set 'createNew=true' in the AssignMessage Policy, and give it a try. 



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Hi Oscar, 

Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, this is known issue on our end, and we are debugging it closely to resolve them ASAP. In the meanwhile, as a workaround - can you please set 'createNew=true' in the AssignMessage Policy, and give it a try. 



Hi Baskar.

Indeed setting the property createNew to true solved the issue. I'ts now working properly.

