Apigee api proxy subtype null

I currently writing a script to count all proxies we have in prod.

To do this I currently send a request to https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/deployments

and then for each name I make a request to https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/organizations/{org_name}/apis/{name} to check if it is a proxy or a shared flow. I do this by checking the subType in the response. However on some of them the subType is set to null.

    "metaData": {
        "createdAt": 1553585811540,
        "createdBy": "example@example.com",
        "lastModifiedAt": 1553585811540,
        "lastModifiedBy": "example@example.com",
        "subType": "null"
    "name": "Party_Management",
    "revision": [
0 2 164

Olof, as I see https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/deployments API resource returns a response in the following format:

  "aPIProxy" : [ {
    "name" : "{proxy-name}",
    "revision" : [ {
      "configuration" : {
        "basePath" : "/",
        "configVersion" : "...",
        "steps" : [ ]
      "name" : "1",
      "server" : [ {
        "status" : "deployed",
        "type" : [ "message-processor" ],
      }, ... ],
      "state" : "deployed"
    } ]
  }... ]
  } ],
  "name" : "{env-name}",
  "organization" : "{org-name}"

Does it really include shared flows? I deployed few shared flows on a selected environment and tested but above API resource does not seem to include shared flows.

Not all but some of the shared flows are in that list.

I have 10 proxies in prod according to Apigee web UI and also when I cross check the output from deployments. I get 5 shared flows in that deployments list (I have 20 shared flows in prod in total)