Apigee is a Google subsidiary?

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Is Apigee a Google subsidiary? Or is Apigee a word for products or services?

When we purchase Apigee Edge, from the viewpoint of a contract between companies, is our company to be contracted Google or Apigee?

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@Taro Fin ,

Apigee is part of Google. Just like Youtube, Android is part of Google !

Apigee is a full lifecycle API management platform that enables API providers to design, secure, deploy, monitor, and scale APIs.

More about same here https://cloud.google.com/apigee-api-management/ & here https://apigee.com/ .

About the contracts, Please reach out to https://pages.apigee.com/contact-sales-reg.html


Anil Sagar

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@Anil Sagar

Thank you for your answer.

I had speculated that Apigee had become a subsidiary of Google,

But now I interpret that Apigee was absorbed by Google.