Are developers people?

OK, I'm being tongue in cheek, but this week at the Chicago API tour I was struck by how clearly Drew Schweinfurth from Walgreens expressed in his presentation that they think not just about numbers of devs in and dollars-and-cents but also about things like age, different motivations, celebrating heroes, mutual gestures of respect, constant qualitative feedback, etc.

It's clearly embedded in their developer program.

How embedded is it in yours? Are devs faceless numbers, is the human touch ad hoc, or is it a point of pride?

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Not applicable

I prefer to think of them as gods sprinkling their ingenuity on us the craving masses of consumers. More realistically i wouldn't put a boundry on a developer being a person. Developer is a rather generic concept and could in fact represents groups of software curators or maybe even an AI, ultimately what defines the developer in an API program is the intention to create apps that consume your API's