Can httpClient.send be used to send POSTS to HTTPS endpoints?

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I keep testing usage of httpClient.send and what succeeds with a plain http endpoint just doesn't for https. In short, the request appears to not be sent at all. Furthermore, I am sure this was working previously but only as far as sending the request but without a body. This seems bizarre but the more I test the more I am convinced something is not quite working.

In essence, I am trying to:

var myRequest = new Request(serverURL, "POST", headers, "{ something : else }");

Which is not working with:

var serverURL = "https://placeholder";

But works perfectly for plain http:

var serverURL = "http://placeholder";

The posts appear to be sent in some occasions but not in some others. Furthermore, when the POSTs are sent, the body of the requests is stripped out completely. Javascript execution reports no errors.

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@gonzalo.silva.cruz , Can you please add more details ? What do you mean "usage of httpClient.send" ? Are you doing this in javascript callout ?

Thanks for looking into this @Anil Sagar. Detail added.