Changing the API spec in the Integrated Portal APIs section does not work properly

Today I tried to update the spec for an existing API in the Integrated Portal. All I wanted was to use a different spec to the one it was created with. So I clicked the camera icon, selected Choose a different spec... and then selected the new spec I wanted to use. I clicked Create snapshot and after the update, it showed the new spec in the Spec column. However, when I looked at the API on the portal itself, it still showed the original spec. I tried multiple times with different specs, and even tried uploading a spec file. Nothing worked.

So then I tried simply delete the spec from the API, which worked. Of course, the API doesn't load in the portal now, which is fine. However, when I tried to add a spec back, it wouldn't work. I went through the same steps as above, except after saving, the Spec column was still blank.

What it seems to be doing is that when you create the API in the portal section, it sticks with the initial spec selected. It never changes, even though it says it has. The only possible change that works deleting the spec.

Has anyone else seen this, or is it just me?

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Yep encountered the same issue. Once a spec was assigned to the API product for the portal, changing the spec seems to be applied however when I click "go to spec", it goes to the previous spec I assigned, not the one which is shown in the spec column. Only workaround I have to pick up the latest spec is to delete the API product and re-add it to the portal, which is not ideal.

I believe this issue has been resolved.

Please let us know if this is still ongoing.

Hi Fabian!

I've had experiencied the same issue yesterday (2020-03-31). I believe that It not been solved.

Please try update snapshot option. It is working for me.

We already tried it a lot of times... We think about deleting the api from portal, but because it is a production environment it is not viable. We will need to plan a change...