CreatedBy is always SysAdmin user and not user logged in.

Not applicable

We have several developer on edge. All are working on different api proxies for different line of business.

We noticed today that the proxy created by is getting populated with sysadmin user email id even though proxy is created by another developer.

This is an issue to determine who has changed the proxy last time. please advise.

2 8 189

How do you determine that? Are you looking at the audit log? Can you provide more detail describing what you are seeing, and where?


Yes, I am looking at Audit logs, current information of API and EdgeUI.

Audit Logs says, Its created by Thaddious:

[root@vlcapepoapigw01 ~]# curl "host:8080/v1/audits/organizations/fis/apis/Enterprise-Custom er?timeline=month&expand=true" -u user

Enter host password for user :

  "auditRecord" : [ {
    "clientIP" : "IP",
    "operation" : "UPDATE",
    "request" : "''fis''",
    "requestUri" : "/v1/organizations/fis/apis/Enterprise-Customer/revisions/3?validate=true",
    "responseCode" : "200",
    "timeStamp" : 1466787171893,
    "user" : "",
    "x-forwarded-for" : ""
  },  {
    "clientIP" : "IP",
    "operation" : "CREATE",
    "request" : "''fis''",
    "requestUri" : "/v1/organizations/fis/apis/Enterprise-Customer/?name=Enterprise-Customer&action=import",
    "responseCode" : "201",
    "timeStamp" : 1466082351033,
    "user" : "",
    "x-forwarded-for" : ""
  } ]

Current information retrieved using management api says..its created by Pravin:

[root@vlcapepoapigw01 ~]# curl "http://host/v1/organizations/fis/apis/Enterprise-Customer" -u user

Enter host password for user 'user':
  "metaData" : {
    "createdAt" : 1466082350439,
    "createdBy" : "",
    "lastModifiedAt" : 1466787162676,
    "lastModifiedBy" : ""
  "name" : "Enterprise-Customer",
  "revision" : [ "1", "2", "3" ]

Edge ui says its Pravin who created and updated this proxy:


Not applicable

Hi @Pravin, Can you check curl "http://host/v1/organizations/fis/apis/Enterprise-Customer/revisions/3" -u user and see if it says created by

You are seeing the APIproxy metadata but not revision specific in the mgmt API response.

Createdby is who created the APIproxy (generally it's who created the revision 1) but revision specific metadata should give you what you are expecting.

Hi @Maruti Chand

I just verified on edge-ui (API --> Project --> API Proxy History) it is showing correct name. But when I see under Edge ui --> Develop tab-->Navigation -- Revision Meta data. it shows wrong user name as created by and last modified by....

I see what you are saying. I just verified on one of my orgs on cloud and I don't see the above issue. Are you seeing this on the cloud or Private cloud?

It is Edge 4.16.01 Private cloud. And we have enabled external authentication with company LDAP and authorization with edge internal ldap.

New Member

@Pravin Is that user specified in the proxy the sysadmin user integrated to your company LDAP ? Can you check what happens when you create the api proxy via the API and not using the UI. This could be a bug with LDAP external authentication enabled.

@arghya das

Yes sysadmin is a AD user and that is what coming as created by and developed by on edge ui for all proxies.

How do i create an proxy using api? please send me a sample management api call / curl or link..

As mentioned in earlier response, audit history showing correctly, on edge-ui (API --> Project --> API Proxy History) it is showing correct names, it showing which user has created and updated correctly.