Customizing app registration page

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We want to customize the UI for app registration page and add some JS logic etc.

From the code it looks like the page is built using hooks and in that case, would it be possible for us to customize the page, without implementing a custom module ? If yes, how to proceed and if not which module should we look at extending ?

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@Sathya ,

It depends, You haven't told what exactly your customization is. Yes, you might end up creating custom module with javascript & custom hooks.

You might need drupal development experience to do custom module. Again, It depends on what exactly you mean "We want to customize the UI for app registration page".

Thanks Anil. We want to swap the positioning of API products and Input fields, add some business logic(depending on products selected) based on which we want to display/hide additional input fields and also some external integration.

@Sathya , You definitely need custom module to do external integration. You need to implement hooks that get called when app is saved. You need little bit of drupal expertise to do same.

Thanks Anil. Can you point me towards documentation on various options on customizing user registration page? We can work around external integrations, but would it be possible to add validations ex: selection of productA, Input field B is optional, selection of productC, inputfield B is mandatory etc?


@Sathya , Since it's not out of the box, docs are unavailable. As i said earlier, you need drupal expertise to do above customizations. It's better to work with in house drupal developer expert or hire someone to implement above customisations.

You don't need a custom module to do some different/cool things to the registration page like a 'terms of use w/ a checkbox' or making it a modal. These are free contributed modules you can download and enable.