Date in URL Fails to Pick up in Trace

Not applicable

I have a proxy with basepath:


and this should be a valid API call:


But when I run that API call it doesn't pick up in the Trace tool, and it's acting as if the proxy isn't doing any processing at all. I'm getting an error back that I know comes from our backend but the Trace doesn't show the request nor is it doing the right processing to avoid the backend error.

When I fire this request:


It shows up in the Trace tool and acts normally.

Is it something weird about numbers in the URL?

0 11 163

strange, i just tried the paths with dates, it shows up in the trace.

Do you think the request could have gone to a different proxy?

Just to be sure, can you attach your proxy, i can test it against your proxy as well - I just emailed the proxy zip file to you. I'd rather not post it publicly.

Thanks for your help!

no problem, i can see the date urls in trace. Are you still seeing this issue? - which org is it?

I am still seeing the issue, yeah. Nothing shows up in Trace. We have an almost identical proxy (different base path) that works as expected.

This is the awhere org and the "Weather" proxy. We only have 4 active proxies right now and they all have different basepaths

Hi - @Mukundha Madhavan - So, I've been tinkering with this some more and have more information, which just makes it a stranger issue.

I built an all-new proxy with a base path of /labs/weather and that worked just fine. When I changed that base path to /v2/weather it didn't show up in Trace anymore.

Then I went to my original proxy and changed it's base path to /labs/weather and it started working normally. Changing it back to /v2/weather failed to show up in Trace.

So there's something weird in our org about /v2/weather - I've had a couple of different proxies use that base path during testing, is it possible something has gone wrong in our Org that I can't see?

i suspect, calls to v2 are going to a different proxy within your org.. can you list the basepaths of your proxies?, maybe you have a proxy with basepath as '/' or '/v2', thats conflicting with your existing proxy?

I just went through all the proxies we have configured. Here are the base paths and the environments they're deployed in:

/labs/weather — dev

/v2/fields — dev

/v1/weather — prod

/v1/models — prod

/v1/models/crop — none

In a previous life working with Apigee, I've had issues with something like a "ghost" proxy - or some sort of deployment that got "stuck" somewhere. Is it possible something has gotten "stuck" with that base path where I can't see the configuration?

strange, can you pls create a support ticket here -, our support can check in env if there is anything wrong

I'll create the ticket. Thanks for the help! I always manage to find (or cause?) the strange bugs. 🙂

Can you check if you are tracing the same environment that you are hitting.

For example the proxies could be deployed to "test" and "prod". The API request goes to prod and the tracing is enabled for "test" environment.

Hi Madhan,

Yes we were tracing in the same environment. We only deploy to one at a time right now, and I was able to send bad requests through and they showed up in trace.