Developer portal installation php-mbstring problem

Hello all,

I found problem in Developer Portal Installer (

Problem probably is only on Red Hat only, my is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3

sub-script lib/ wants to install php-mbstring

if [[ $separate_mbstring_install -eq 1 ]]; then
  mbstring_rpm_file=$( curl 2>/dev/null | grep " php-mbstring" | head -n1 | sed -E 's/ +/ /g' | cut -d " " -f9 )
  rpm -Uv${mbstring_rpm_file} >> $logfile 2>&1

site returns php-mbstring-5.3.3-40.el6_6.x86_64.rpm and I met with version conflict on my system because php-mbstring-5.3.3-26.el6_6.x86_64.rpm is required (Unfortunately can't paste log file).

I solved it by find good version, install it manually, and comment that if-condition in a code and re-launch again.

rpm -Uv

Update installer script please.

0 4 1,936

Dear @Sebastian Krajewski ,

Apigee Developer Portal officially doesn't support RHEL 6.3 . Please find supported versions below. You can find more details here.

Apigee Developer Portal (Drupal)

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (64-bit version) Licensed copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Red Hat requires a license to download and install all required RPMs.
    • 6.4
    • 6.5
    • 6.6
  • CentOS (64-bit version)
    • 6.4
    • 6.5
    • 6.6

Thank you for figuring a way to solve the same for RHEL 6.3 and I am sure it will be helpful for others who are looking for RHEL 6.3 , Developer portal installation.


Anil Sagar

I have Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago) not 6.3 (host was updated 2 weeks ago)

Problem confirmed.

I checked it deeply on new, empty host with Red Hat 6.5 without apache, php, mysql etc.

Script lib/ has 2 erros:

#1 Command below returns nothing

mbstring_rpm_file=$( curl 2>/dev/null | grep " php-mbstring" | head -n1 | sed -E 's/ +/ /g' | cut -d " " -f9 ) 

#2 So I did it manually by and faced with version conflict (described above):

$ rpm -Uv
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.jVUObw: Header V3 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID c105b9de: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
php-common(x86-64) = 5.3.3-40.el6_6 is needed by php-mbstring-5.3.3-40.el6_6.x86_64

List of installed before php packages:

$ yum list installed php*
Installed Packages
php.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64
php-cli.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64
php-common.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64
php-gd.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64
php-mcrypt.x86_64 5.3.3-3.el6 @epel
php-mysql.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64
php-pdo.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64
php-pear.noarch 1:1.9.4-4.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64
php-pecl-apc.x86_64 3.1.9-2.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64
php-xml.x86_64 5.3.3-26.el6 @RHEL6-Server-x86_64

To have sure I removed php by command

yum remove php*

and run installer again.

Problem fixed by install mbstring lib manually (described above)

Apigee team fix script please, Thanks!

Awesome, Thank you @Sebastian Krajewski for detailed answer to fix the issue. I have notified concerned team to fix the issue.

@Chris Novak , @Daniel Johnson FYI