Displaying custom fields added to Smartdoc Method content type on method pages.

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I have added a few fields to the content type "Smartdocs Method" on my developer portal. Now, how do we display these fields on the individual API method pages ?

I know ways to display these fields on right side bar or left side bar using context and views, but we need these fields in our parameter tables. Here's a snip of what we're trying to achieve.


I know that smartdocs.hbr is rendering the HTML here, so I added

var model = {{this}};

inside my script tags of hbr file to understand what variables I have at my disposal. I have name, datatype and description which are really basic. To display the other fields (parent-node, length and multiplicity) in my parameters table, I've added these missing variables as fields on my Drupal, now is there any way I could grab these drupal fields from my hbr ? Or do we have to take a step back and change our approach here- maybe adding fields to "Smartdocs Parmeter" field widget using a custom module. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

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I too am looking at the best practice way to add custom cck fields added to the smartdoc content type into the actual smartdoc template.

For example, say I add 'State' w/ field name 'field_state'.

I I understand how to display it with used I just need to have it automatically included upon Smart Dock upload.

I too I want to add some fields, i can't know how to display them