Does anyone has this error on Apigee Edge today?

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I am getting some error on my apigee edge api proxies

ERROR is :

" Error in deployment for environment test. The revision is deployed and traffic can flow, but flow may be impaired."

Please guide me how to prevent it in future.

Thank you.

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Well , I don't know if you can do anything about this error apart from raising a support ticket.

This happens if because of some reason the api proxy is partially deployed : which might mean that it is deployed successfully in one Message Processor and failed for some reason in another.

Apigee EDGE cloud knows how to take corrective actions for this kind of scenarios , but it might take some time to kick in automatically. So if this happens again I would say retry in a few minutes and if it still does not solve the issue then raise a support ticket.

New Member

@Dhwani Trivedi Like @sarthak said, it could be because of the fact that the proxy got partially deployed to the apigee runtime environment. To recover from this state, you can do a force undeploy api call:

POST /v1/o/{orgid}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}/deployments?action=undeploy&env={env}&force=true -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"

Once this call succeeds, you can try to redeploy the proxy either using the api or the Edge Management UI. Let me know, if this helps.

@arghya dasthank you for help. Could you guide me how do I find my {orgid}? Also, is it possible to work on commandline for edge? if so, please guide me.

Hi @Dhwani Trivedi, please refer to the organization-name that will be available in the top-right corner once you login to apigee Edge portal. Just search for "Organization" in case you are unable to locate it.

Thank you @Cladius Fernando. Also one thing , is it curl call above one or how this work? If you know about it please guide.

Yes, it would be a curl call.

curl -v "{orgid}/apis/{api}/revisions/{rev}/deployments?action=undeploy&env={env}&force=true" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"

Hi @Arghya Das, you have missed the '-X POST' part in the curl command. Also, we would need to pass in the creds for accessing the org.

Hi @Dhwani Trivedi, it's a rest call. You can choose to make the call using curl, rest-client or any other alternative. My suggestion is that you install Postman (a Google Chrome addon) and set the values using it's GUI.

Before proceeding with the above mentioned post call, I would also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the api calls by making get calls via the apigee smartdocs documentation.

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Most of the times, this error happens when you have

1. Started a trace session

2. Switched to develop tab, changed the proxy revision you were tracing and saved it.

To prevent, ensure you stop the trace session. It should work fine.

Meanwhile, scenario bug fix is being looked into by Engineering team.

I am getting this error in my perfectly alright running proxy app. That is why it surprise me how to deal with it.

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Also, when in an org with significant load or that is seeing numerous concurrent deployments of large proxies you may get this error periodically and then find the issue resolved within a couple of minutes.

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does any one has solution for this? I am having this on and off since Friday 7th August 2015. Please help me out to resolve.

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