Drupal Developer Poral -- content migration

Not applicable

We have developers creating rich content in Drupal based Developer Portal -- this content resides outside Swagger. We need to extract this content and promote to higher tiers. What is the best and easier way to do this?

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Not applicable

The Developer Portal - currently utilizing Drupal 7 as the foundation - doesn't have an extremely robust way of handling content migration between environments. Drupal expects content to be created in the production environment rather than in development environments. Depending on your situation, one of the following might work:

1. https://www.drupal.org/project/backup_migrate: If you really just want to move everything forward and the production environment has nothing you need to keep, you might use something like backup & migrate (or even better the tools within Pantheon). This only makes sense if your production environment has NOTHING you want to keep. This method is destructive, but if you are simply moving content forward for an initial production launch, it can be the simplest solution.

2. https://www.drupal.org/project/migrate: Migrate lets you migrate content between environments. It would take setup, but you can use it to migrate content from one environment to another. It's probably the most full-fledged solution and it's probably the right way to do it if the production environment is already in use. It's got a ton of power, but it's probably the most complex to set up/make work.

3. https://www.drupal.org/project/node_export: If you have only certain content you want to migrate across, node export is pretty easy. You can do exports and imports of content and it doesn't take a ton of setup to figure it out. It might be the easiest way to solve your problem if production is in use.

If you want to chat more about it, I'm sure we can help figure out the best solution for your specific situation.

@Vijay Govind

You can start using deploy module. Its a bit complex to setup but there is quite a lot of documentation around it. We've use this module and successfully promoted content from staging to live environments.


Hi @Jyothi K Reddy

I am working on promoting code from dev environment to test environment.

Concern: I have used file field in one of the content, would it be possible to migrate the file using the mentioned module.



@Ashwith G There seems to be a patch for fixing file migration issues. I have not tested this patch. But it might help (https://www.drupal.org/project/deploy/issues/2601374)

If you are looking for deploying Open API specs I suggest looking into Apigee Smart docs Maven plugin https://github.com/apigee/apigee-smartdocs-maven-plugin
