Drupal file upload browser not showing up.

Not applicable


I don't see browse filed on dev portal to upload a file. its really strange... it happened after I loaded

plupload (plupload-7.x-1.7.zip) module for bulk load. please advise.


0 3 266

Hi @Pravin ,

It looks like a contributed module that you are using part of customisation. Not sure about the error, better check in module issue queue in drupal.org / post in Drupal StackExchange site.

@Pravin , To which entity you are trying to attach plupload field ? Above screenshot looks like a configuration instead of a field upload. Can you please provide full context & what exactly you are trying to do ?

@Anil Sagar

My intention was to enable bulk file upload along with single file upload.

I just dropped https://www.drupal.org/project/plupload in the "contrib" module. I believe it i getting attached to "File" module.

we got "Import File" option after this module made available and it is working fine. There is no customization. It is out of box Apigee developer portal.

Import Files option appeared with pulpload:


clicking Import file...its working fine..


Clicking Add file...


gives this screen,
