Edge Integrated Portal content source control


Is there a method/best practice to source control the contents of the Edge Integrated Portal? i.e. is there a way to add the portal contents (pages, theme) to Git?

Any guidance, suggestions appreciated

Kind regards


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Hello and thank you for the question! This is pretty high on our list of features to implement but we haven't gotten there yet. In fact, there is still time for you to tell us how you might like to see this feature implemented. We have definitely considered and discussed a Git based solution as well as other possibilities. What is important to you and how would you like to see this work?

That would be a great option. One method that could work would be to provide a git url that points to a folder of Markdown files. The portal would then import the pages or update existing ones from there. The Markdown could include some special header formatting to specify title, url, etc. You could even include visibility in the header section, but might have to leave off the audience stuff, and have people set that in the UI (and then don't overwrite that setting on updates).


title: My title

path: /my-url

description: "The description goes here."


[Actual content goes there]