Edge Micro Gateway (2.3.3-Beta) Configurations not downloaded

Not applicable

Hi @David Silcott, @santosh_ghalsasi

I am not able to post requests in Edge Microgateway and am getting

HTTP 403 {"error":"access_denied"} on localhost even though I am able to see the edgemicro_ proxies deployed in my org.

On starting the microgeateway, I am not able to see the list of products downloaded but keep getting the same message below

info: products download from https://varunkumark-prod.apigee.net/edgemicro-auth/

products returned 200 OK

info: jwt_public_key download from https://varunkumark-prod.apigee.net/edgemicro

-auth/publicKey returned 200 OK

info: config download from https://edgemicroservices-us-east-1.apigee.net/edgemi

cro/bootstrap/organization/varunkumark/environment/prod returned 200 OK

warning: no products found in org

logging to \var\tmp\edgemicro-CHETC206030331-8a6e5970-e308-11e6-b5cd-cde4ab43b2c


I had gone through the community and found this link


which seems to suggest that there is an issue with the edge micro gateway downloading proxies in free orgs while it is not affecting the paid plans

I am using the 2.3.3 beta version and am largely following the tutorial. I am also using a free org. Can you let me know whether the above mentioned issue persists in version 2.3.3. as well or is it due to some other problem


0 4 237

Hey Varun,

Apologies that you're having this issue. Unfortunately edgemicro has an undefined behavior with free orgs now. Edge has disabled java callout functionality necessary to make the download of things like products work.


Hi Matt,

I tried the same in a paid org as well. Although I am not getting the "no products found" error, I am getting HTTP 403 error when I test the localhost proxy using a token obtained from edgemicro. The error is as below when tested using a HTTP Clientconfig.zip:

body { font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica, Courier; font-size: 13px; background: #eeeeff;color: #000044 }
li, td{font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px}
hr {color: #3333cc; width=600; text-align=center}
{color: #ffff00}
text {color: #226600}
a{color: #116600}
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 width="80%">
<big> (policy_denied)</big>
Your Request was denied by Policy



I checked the config files and found that the proxies were indeed downloaded into microgateway configuration. I have removed the org/env names and certain confidential information from these files.

Can you check if there is any other issue here.


Hey Varun, I'm not sure what's going on here. It could be an issue with the edgemicro-auth proxy that is causing this.

Former Community Member
Not applicable
@Varun Kumar Kannan

I suspect you will have to run edgemicro configure again. Please clean up any old files in the .edgemicro folder. If this still does not work, can you add me to your paid org? I can take a look.

My username is: ssridhar at apigee dot com.