Edge Micro Reconfiguration error

Not applicable

Background of Installation: We are configuring Edge Micro Gateway(2.1.0) to our On-premise Edge ( 4.15.07) Micro is installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 Virtual machine ,and Edge components are also deployed on similar RHEL 6.6 VMs.

1. edgemicro configuration completed

2. Verification completed succesfully;

3. Edge Micro Started successfully

4. edgemicro token get also worked as expected

[root@vmapigeedev06 edgemicro]# edgemicro configure -o org -e performancetest -u dev@org.com -p P@55w0rd -d current nodejs version is v4.6.0 file doesn't exist, setting up listdeployments: {"organization":"org","environment":"performancetest","baseuri":"https://api.enterprise.apigee.com","username":"dev@org.com","password":{},"debug":true,"asyncLimit":4} Going to invoke "https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/o/org/e/performancetest/deployments" [Error: HTTP error 401]

As seen above the configuration script is somewhere pointing to api.enterprise.apigee.com.

As recommended in some other forum answers, verified the call out policy properties in edgemicro_internal proxy and it reflects the correct on Premise Message Processor destination ip address. Please suggest if this is fix available for addressing this.

0 3 248

Former Community Member
Not applicable

To configure EdgeMicro to work with edge for on premises, please run

edgemicro private configure

Thanks Sridhar, that helps. Documentation assumes that the configuration is for cloud by default, at some instances ( like the one above).

The reconfiguration worked and so did the verification of API calls with an OAuth2 access token.

However Verification with an API key returns : 403: {"error":"access_denied"}.

I see that the same issue was reported in this forum thread;


Couple of steps which were done to fix this 403 error but no luck so far.

1.Deleted edgemicro-auth proxy, regenerated the keys from Edge UI, Reconfigured the Edge Micro and restarted.

2. curl -v -X GET http://XXX/edgemicro-auth/products returns the expected Products and proxies;

"apiResources" : [ "/**", "/" ],
"approvalType" : "auto",
"attributes" : [ {
"name" : "access",
"value" : "public"
} ],
"createdAt" : 1475836569891,
"createdBy" : "dev@xxx.com",
"description" : "First Edge Micro Product",
"displayName" : "EdgeMicroTestProduct",
"environments" : [ "performancetest" ],
"lastModifiedAt" : 1476095348065,
"lastModifiedBy" : "dev@xxx.com",
"name" : "EdgeMicroTestProduct",
"proxies" : [ "edgemicro_httpbin", "edgemicro_hello", "edgemicro-auth" ],
"scopes" : [ "" ]

good idea to start a second question with this.... link back if you want.

this is a DIFFERENT problem and one that I was SURE had been resolved...

in your second question please include the edge-micro version, and if you are using on prem include the on-prem version.

i KNOW that there are potential issues with API Key - but I dont remember what they are.. so Id like to get that settled !