​Edge Micro Verification with API Key returns 403

Not applicable

We are configuring Edge Micro Gateway(2.1) to our On-premise Edge ( 4.15.07).

Micro is installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 Virtual machine

and Edge components are also deployed on similar RHEL 6.6 VMs

The edge micro configuration has worked successfully for the verification of API calls with an OAuth2 access token.

However Verification with an API key returns : 403: {"error":"access_denied"}.

I see that the same issue was reported in this forum thread;


Couple of steps which were done to fix this 403 error but no luck so far.

1.Deleted edgemicro-auth proxy, regenerated the keys from Edge UI, Reconfigured the Edge Micro and restarted.

2. curl -v -X GET http://XXX/edgemicro-auth/products returns the expected Products and proxies;

"apiResources" : [ "/**", "/" ],

"approvalType" : "auto",

"attributes" : [ {

"name" : "access",

"value" : "public"

} ],

"createdAt" : 1475836569891,

"createdBy" : "dev@xxx.com",

"description" : "First Edge Micro Product",

"displayName" : "EdgeMicroTestProduct",

"environments" : [ "performancetest" ],

"lastModifiedAt" : 1476095348065,

"lastModifiedBy" : "dev@xxx.com",

"name" : "EdgeMicroTestProduct",

"proxies" : [ "edgemicro_httpbin", "edgemicro_hello", "edgemicro-auth" ],

"scopes" : [ "" ]

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