Error 502 since today,Intermitent 502 errors

Not applicable

Since today we have experimented 502 errors intermiten (90% of the times). Sometimes (10%) it works fine, but the major part we have this error:

An error occurred.

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later

Any idea how to solve it?



Since yesterday I have a 502 response in the 90% of the calls I do.

My API works fine, but when I use apigee as proxy the response is:

An error occurred.

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later

Anyone have an idea about it? I'm desperate.

PS: The other 10% apigee response well, so I discard bad configuration.

0 1 6,271

Not applicable

FYI after 10 hours the issue was fixed. Surely my container was broken.