Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=socket hang up. Getting this error whenever i try to deploy a node.js proxy using apigeetool

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hi @Rajarshee, Have you tried to deploy with -U option.This will uploads Node.js modules from your system to Apigee Edge rather than resolving the modules directly on Apigee Edge.

apigeetool deploynodeapp -u -o raj_3105 -e test -n 'hellonode' -d . -m server.js -b /myNodeApp

I used this command to deploy.

Is there anything else i should be using?? @Sonali

Try this: apigeetool deploynodeapp -u -o raj_3105 -e test -n 'hellonode' -d . -m server.js -b /myNodeApp -U

Not applicable


Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=write EPROTO

got this error after using -U

@Rajarshee Mukhopadhyay,

Can you post the complete error?

If you see the following in your error " If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the npm ERR! network 'proxy' config is set properly. "

Then its your corporate proxy issue.You may have to contact your network administrator if so.

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@RadK4 i am not getting the corporate proxy error.

I got this error:-

Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=write EPROTO

I got same error for an npm command execution.But continuation of the error was corporate proxy error in the same error message.Thatswhy asked for complete error details.Was this the only error message you got?

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Yes this was the only error message i got.