Excluding fields from RegularExpressionProtection


I’m using “RegularExpressionProtection” policy in my Proxy, as shown below. This works fine, however I’ve certain fields in request which I want to exclude (don’t want this policy to trigger). However in documentation I couldn’t find any way of achieving this. Could you please suggest what are the options available for me?

<RegularExpressionProtection name="RegularExpressionProtection">


<JSONPayload escapeSlashCharacter="true">













<Pattern>[\s]*((delete)|(exec)|(drop\s*table)|(insert)|(shutdown)|(update)|(\bor\b))</Pattern >







0 3 197

Not applicable

In that case its better to use javascript or java callout.

Do you have any sample code that you can share or resource link I can refer to?

If you know exactly which fields to exclude, you could copy the request message into another variable (eg: requestSubset) and then delete from this variable the fields you want to exclude. You can use AssignMessage policy to do this

You could then apply the RegexThreat policy on requestSubset