Extracting Information from the Trace

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When running a trace and hitting an AP!, regardless off the HTTP status, I can see some infotmation on each policy called "Properties". I would like to extract these properties and add them to a log file, if the "action" is "Pause" or "Abort" as this will gie my support team a look into the error at this point in time. Is there an poilice like extract variable that will help me extract thhe data under "Properties" in the "trace"




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As i have been looking in to this more. I looks like I require "Extract Variables" policy but called "Exctract Properties" but this doent exsist. Does anyone know any good work arounds?

I know it has been almost a year now, but did you happen to find out how to do this? I have a similar requirement. I am guessing they are all variables and there must be some way similar to context.getVariable("something.propertyname") in Js. @Dino, @Anil Sagar thoughts?

@Abhiram M. Hemanna - they are not all variables.

The information items labeled as "properties" in the Trace output are collected only when a debug session is active.

You said you had a similar requirement. What is the requirement, exactly?

Thank you @Dino. I'm validating accesstoken using OAuth2 policy. My requirement is if the accesstoken has expired I must refresh the accesstoken using refreshtoken and continue the flow. I've set the continueOnError flag true, because of this the flow never enters fault state and I can't check for the condition fault.name = access_token_expired.

Currently I'm checking oauthV2.failed flag but the problem is this flag is set to true irrespective of the reason for failure(invalid_access_token, access_token_expired, etc.,). My initial thoughts were to make use of the result flag in the properties and that's the reason why I was looking for a way to extract this variable... but it turns out this flag works similar to oauthV2.failed. Is there any other way I can check if the accesstoken has expired?