Flow callout Policy-Not throwing any error for a valid scenario

Not applicable

My Usecase:-

1st-Created a shared flow and attached a security and extension policy and deployed in PROD env.

2nd-Created a proxy with no target endpoint,attached the flow callout policy and refered my sharedflow in this policy.Deployed the proxy in TEST env.

My observations:-

As per Apigee logic the proxy should not get deployed as reference is deployed in some other env.

Even if the proxy got deployed,while hitting the service it should fail with a valid error message.

Currently,while hitting the url the flow is not getting executed and it keeps on scrolling for getting the response with no error.

PFA for reference.

any comments on this?

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@shubham singh , Attachment is missing, Would you like to reattach same by updating answer ?

@Anil Sagar forgot to attach...PFAsharedflow.png

@Anil Sagar any update on this?