Getting 502 Bad Gateway when using TargetServer

Not applicable

When I use a TargetServer in my Proxy I get the following 502 Bad Gateway. The detailed message is as follows

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Unexpected EOF at target","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.adaptors.http.flow.UnexpectedEOFAtTarget"}}}

I have gone through different thread and all say that we have to we have to explicitly set the SSL enabled flag to true, which I believe I have done. As this is what I am getting when I call the GET API for target server.

"host": "**********", 
"isEnabled": true, 
"name": "*********", 
"port": 443, 
"sSLInfo": { 
	"ciphers": ["TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256"], 
	"clientAuthEnabled": "true", 
	"enabled": "true", 
	"ignoreValidationErrors": false, 
	"keyAlias": "************", 
	"keyStore": "************", 
	"protocols": ["TLSv1.2"]

Any idea why I would get this.

0 1 1,286

Not applicable

It works fine if we have the same ssl configuration in the Proxy Configuration under <HTTPTargetConnection>.