Getting ResourceNotFoundException on few message processors (2 out of 6)

we have 2 DC and each dc have 3 message processor and getting the below exception in 2 of the message processors all the time for 1 particular api. After restarting the MP issue got resolved but trying know root cause of the issue, so if any one experienced the similar behavior please let us know the root cause.

we validated the deployments and tree using below api commands but we did not find any unusual.



Error From MP:

2019-04-1519:40:15,923NIOThread@4ERRORADAPTORS.HTTP.FLOW-AbstractRequestListener.onException() :Request:POST, uri:/asset/v1/report, messageId:null,{ code=messaging.adaptors.http.flow.ApplicationNotFound, message=Unabletoidentifyproxyforhost:secureandurl:/asset/v1/report, associatedcontexts= []} context:ClientInputChannel(ClientChannel[Accepted:Remote:192.**.***.***:8998Local:192.***.***.***:49558]@3974useCount=1bytesRead=0bytesWritten=0age=0mslastIO=0msisOpen=true))

Error from nginx router

2019-04-15T19:40:15-04:00hostrmp003192.***.***.*:37483192.***.***.***:89980.136--40440477330253POST /asset/v1/report HTTP/1.1hostrmp003-1184-35068-1curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/3.27.1 zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2api.domain.comhostrmp003-1184-35068-1192.***.***.*falseMPmessaging.adaptors.http.flow.ApplicationNotFound-----1--dc2 gtwypod green TLSv1.2 gtwypoddc2 externalprod prod

0 1 478

May be you are hitting issue related to "Cause: API Proxy not deployed on one or more Message Processors" in below link.

if it is replicate at will then may be if you enable debug on MP(where issue occurs) & on the one where issue doesn't occur to compare to identify the issue..and may be open a case with all the diagnostic information and work it out to avoid un-necessary restarts.