HTTP/2 Support in Apigee 2020 Roadmap,Apigee support for HTTP/2 in 2020?


I have found a number of other requests to support HTTP/2 in Apigee and since it's been a few years, so I was just checking to see if this is on the roadmap.

BTW, I do know that Istio and Envoy both support HTTP/2, so I can use the Apigee Envoy Adapter or Apigee Adapter for Istio to use Apigee Quota, Authorization(API Key, JWT), Analytics through Istio Mixer or Envoy proxy.

I'm asking specifically for Apigee itself.


AFAIK Apigee has no support for HTTP/2, which prevents gRPC and other options. Are there any plans for Apigee to support HTTP/2 on the roadmap?

BTW, I know Istio and Envoy do support HTTP/2. There is an Apigee Adapter for both Istio and for Envoy so you can use Apigee Quota, Authorization(API Key, JWT), Analytics through Istio Mixer / Envoy.

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Support for HTTP 2 in Apigee (without using Istio/Envoy adapter) is on the roadmap. We don't have an ETA yet. Please reach out to your Apigee rep so we can capture use case, deployment patterns etc.

Hi Srinandans,


What is the progress about "apigee support grpc"? Can I use grpc in apigee now?



I think part of this is included answered in

"Configurable" proxies have some http 2 and grpc capabilities, but its preview.

Hi Team,

Checking in to see the progress of this.
IHAC who wants to know if we have a ETA when Apigee will have support for HTTP/2

It's in Apigee X and hybrid. 

I looked in the release notes, and could not find a mention of this, and for that I'm sorry. But anyway it works. Try it. 


Thanks @dchiesa1