HTTP 400 when EdgeMicro attempts to connect to a Two-way SSL enabled Target Endpoint

The edgemicro section of config.yaml is as follows:


port: 8000

max_connections: 1000

config_change_poll_interval: 600


level: error

dir: /var/tmp

stats_log_interval: 60

rotate_interval: 24



- oauth


- host: ''

tls: // Note: I tried putting ssl in here. Same result.


cert: 'path/to/cert'

key: 'path/to/.key'

rejectUnauthorized: true

In this case host - - is secured using two-way ssl.

During testing, I am seeing HTTP 400 error with the following message:



<title>400 No required SSL certificate was sent</title>


<body bgcolor="white">

<center> <h1>400 Bad Request</h1> </center>

<center>No required SSL certificate was sent</center>





Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?

0 6 244

May be we could first verify the given CA certificate using a CURL command:

curl -i --cacert /path/to/ca-certificate.pem https://<server-url>;

@Imesh Gunaratne Thanks Imesh. I verified that the SSL handshake completes successfully.

It's a great pleasure Pradeep! Were you able to get it working? If so, would you mind sharing the cause of the issue and how you resolved it? Thanks!

@Imesh Gunaratne , Hi Imesh. Sorry, I was very vague with my previous answer. The SSL handshake is successful however, the microgateway still won't connect to the target endpoint. I see the same "No required SSL certificate was sent" error message.

@Pradeep , Encountered this a few days ago. Since the SSL handshake is verified, I believe the fix is in adjusting the `targets` property in the yaml file to be on the same level as `edgemicro`, not as a child. also 'tls' should be 'ssl'.


@Victor Shaw

Hi Victor,

The documentation at (under Using client ssl/tls options section:) shows targets is a child of edgemicro.

The documentation indicates the use of both ssl and tls keywords.