Has anyone setup AWS keys in the vault and use them to invoke a lambda function by calling API gateway as target endpoint.

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I have followed the webinar for setting up AWS APIGEE integration to invoke lambda or call a API gateway endpoint as target endpoint. I have added the trust store which has the AWS API gateway certifictate add to it. However, I have been getting the security store not setup error. Is there any resource or documentation available to do this.

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are you using nodejs? are you invoking lambda or API gateway? have you looked at this ? http://docs.apigee.com/api-services/content/edge-integration-aws

I have seen this. I want to use the API gateway as the target endpoint and that would invoke a lambda. I have followed the webinar and did exactly the same way and have also followed the documentation. But, there is no clear picture on how to accomplish the task.

New Member

creating that sample for that use case is in our todo list. Do you have a code snippet that you can paste somewhere for us to look at ? (Or any error logs? )

I have followed the same code example with AWS API gateway as target endpoint as in this video . All I saw was I had to setup a truststore with API gateway certificate. I did that and now I see " Security store xyzzzz is not configured in environment".

can you send me the raw logs and code to alan at Apigee Dot com ? I'll take a second look at it. It seems like you have an issue with setting up the vault itself.

I have just emailed you the revision which I have in my proxy

New Member

Here is a github sample you can use : https://github.com/apigee/a127-lambda-petstore-sample